The Resuscitators

13 January 2018

New Tunes Coming Your Way!!

So you may have heard us bang about how we were in the studio last year laying down 4 sweet new tracks - and then you heard nothing...

Well the plan was to release the 4 tracks as an EP online and on the magical format of CD, but then we thought "wouldn't it be sweet if we kept writing, recorded some more, then released an actual, 10-track album? Like real bands used to do?!" Sooooo that's what we're doing!

We haven't got them all written yet but the stuff we've got online right now is kind of dated - so we formulated a NEW NEW plan to release 2 of the new tracks as a digital only single while we crack on with the writing and recording of the album. Sooooo that's what we're really doing!

Right now the lovely Ben of Paper Champs fame / infamy is mastering 2 jams for us and putting up with a plethora of "Hmmm, it sounds thin, can you make it sound fuller? How about not so full? Can you make Rog's solo more face melting please? More cowbell!" requests from us with the patience of Saint Patience, the Patron Saint of Patientness.

So as soon as he's done and we've sorted a cover (who's betting we just do a Teenage Bottlerocket and use the same cover of the last EP with a different colour?) we'll chuck it up on the old bandcamp! Keep your eyes peeled!

Los Resuscitatos x