The Resuscitators

10 June 2014

Pirate Copy, Resuscitators, The Insomniacs and Terminal Decline drink Camden dry!!

The Enterprise 13th June 2014

Arr we be taking the Enterprise in Camden - by force!

Rigging will be spliced, rum will be drank and sea shanties will be erm, sung.

Terminal Decline are on first, think old school '77 style, proper sick!
Then The Insomniacs, awesome pop-punk to skate and drink beer to!
Followed by us, Resuscitators - turn up the punk, we'll be drinking!
And headlining are the rum-swigging scourges of the seven seas, Pirate Copy!! 

You be welcome to acquire tickets from the ticket link, or just present your salty selves at the door, whichever takes your fancy.